skin by aMIDala anastAsiaNA

Monday, January 16, 2012

FIrst day of work~~

a butterfly landed @ 3:43 PM

Thursday, November 10, 2011

It totally feels like O's are over~ (though there's 2 MCQs left :P) Ah well, doesn't matter, shall enjoy myself for now!! :D

a butterfly landed @ 12:18 AM

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Just passing combined humanities makes me feel kinda happy~

a butterfly landed @ 4:39 AM

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The world hates me

a butterfly landed @ 6:26 AM

Sunday, August 7, 2011

This must be the umpteenth I've said this
Yup, thanks to the National Day celebrations, we have 2 1/2 do homework days :P

And tuition teachers have decided to give extra lessons, which really sucks since there's already tons of school work to be finished.

The National Day celebrations in school was horrible. There was the 2 hour long prize-giving ceremony, then finally the only-one-hour-long concert which wasn't even entertaining ~~

There's a stack of A-Math and Chemistry past year papers for me to finish, and not to forget overdue History and Social Studies SBQs(Combine Humanities sucks :P)

The only thing I'll be looking forward to in the next two weeks will be for the Chinese O' Level results to be released. Of course, I'm hoping for an A1 :D

Wondering if I should do History homework...

a butterfly landed @ 11:45 PM

Friday, August 5, 2011

Why the hell is everyone trying to stress me out?? ><

a butterfly landed @ 11:46 PM

Monday, July 25, 2011

Decided to post more often... Since I'm not really in the mood to do much on the computer nowadays.
Well, it's Monday and the teachers have started the competition to see who gives more homework,AGAIN.
There was A-Math time practice today and I must say I do feel proud of myself, leaving only 2 questions blank XD
Staring at my awesome Chemistry homework now and I have totally no clue how to answer any of the questions, what choice do I have? I'm just not born to do Chemistry, even my A-math is better than that.
Addicted to this song
Can't sing the whole song yet, though. It goes really high-pitched at some parts and the words are all stuck together. But it's an awesome song and the chorus is really nice :D
Shall go back to staring at my Chemistry homework again XP

a butterfly landed @ 6:13 AM